Pictures from Maritime Day 2023
Our sincere thanks to everyone who attended and helped us make the Maritime Day 2023 a day to remember for long. Inspiring presentations, genuine meetings, good spirit and a never fading believe in the future. Here are some of the pictures from photographer Therese Andersson, Blick.

Programme 2023
Wednesday 31 May 2023
1200-1600: Pick up your number and chip for the Mercy Ships Race.
1400-2000: Registration and preparation of stands for the Maritime Day.
1645-1700: Warmup for Mercy Ships Race, outside Alandica, by the terrace/seaside!
1700: START of Mercy Ships Race, outside Alandica, seaside. Run and/or walk 5 or 10 km.
1730-1930: Sauna and pool (for runners also registered for the Maritime Day), hotell Arkipelag.
1900: Drop in at Compagniet, mingle, food and drinks (at own expense).
Mercy Ships Special 1900-2030: Presentation of Mercy Ships, in Swedish, in Alandica. Read more here!
Thursday 1 June 2023
0800: Registration.
0800-1700: Coffee, floor 2
0900-1700: EXHIBITION, Alandica, floor 1-2-3.
0900-1030: Roro-Ropax seminarium (in Swedish), Alandica.
1100-1200: Alandia, DNV and Wärtsilä seminar (in English), Alandica.
1200-1330: LUNCHBREAK (lunch served 1030-1400), Hotell Arkipelag.
1330-1430: Alandia, DNV and Wärtsilä seminar (in English) continues.
1500-1600: Alandia, DNV and Wärtsilä seminar (in English), continues.
1600-1800: Cocktail/bubble bar and mingle in the exhibition area, Alandica.
1800-1900: Cocktail at Hotell Arkipelag.
1900: Dinner at Hotell Arkipelag.
Welcome to Mariehamn
Alandia: Maritime Day 2023-RoRo_PCTC fires Alandia: Power of the future Alandia: Market update Maritime Cyber Resilience and Security, new regulations – Reardon Shaun The future is Green, Digital and Electric – Kaj Portin Registered participantsProgramme for the Maritime Day 1 June & Mercy Ships Race 31 May 2023
Information about the exhibition:
Venue map – Floor 2 Venue map – Floor 3 Exhibitors per floor and in alphabetical orderWelcome to Åland!