Take part wherever you are, register and contribute here!
Run or walk 5 km or 10 km and help Mercy Ships! The fee 50 € directly supports Mercy Ships. Register online before 19 May 2024.
Spring eller gå där du är, alla bidrag räknas!
21 maj 2025.
Challenge friends and colleagues!
Taking part in Mercy Ships Race is winwinwinwin! Its fun, healthy, challenging and necessary. Your contribution makes a difference in order to bring health and hope to the poorest places on our planet. Challenge your friends, your colleagues, your competitors and take part in the race that only have winners. Take part in Mariehamn 21st May or wherever you are in the world.

How to take part in Mercy Ships Race!
Run or walk 5 km or 10 km together with everyone else! The fee 50 € directly supports Mercy Ships. Register online before 18 May 2025. Registration is simple and will result in an invoice depending on numbers of participants.
Run where your are! Share your pictures!
If you cant make it to Mariehamn the 21st May, run or walk wherever you are during 1-31 May.
You can register here and contribute to the fund raising by receiving an invoice:
And please, send pictures of your participation to stefan.norrgrann@sjofart.ax, the Editor of Ålands Sjöfart. He will publish the photos on our highly popular Facebook-page and make sure everyone sees you!
Pics from 2024: Fantastic views, beautiful participants!
Här hittar du fotograf Therese Anderssons oemotståndliga, fartfyllda och varma bilder från Mercy Ships Race 2024. Vill du beställa bilder sker det direkt till therese@blick.ax.
Pictures are taken from Mercy Ships Race 2024 by photographer Therese Andersson. Interested in ordering? Please contact therese@blick.ax.

Learn more about Mercy Ships
”Our mission to provide hope to those in need began in 1978. Each year we send hospital ships filled with volunteer professionals who selflessly provide life-changing surgeries.”
Read more about Mercy Ships globally: https://www.mercyships.org/
And here please find information from Mercy Ships Sweden: https://mercyships.se/
Contact, how can we help you?
E-mail: maritime.day@sjofart.ax
Birgitta Bergman-Jansson: mobile phone + 358 457 342 4941
Ålands Sjöfart r.f.
c/o Godby Shipping Ab
Södragatan 13
AX – 22100 Mariehamn
Åland Islands